How to Implant a Permanent Transvenous Pacing Syst ...
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All right. Good afternoon, everyone, or at least good afternoon from the central U.S. We welcome you to the webinar. It's a pretty unusual topic on how to implant a permanent transvenous pacemaker system after single ventricle palliation from and specifically from a right or left infravicular pocket. This is going to be our agenda. Dr. Law is going to set up the stage for what we're talking about. Dr. Mehta is going to talk about the approach to the common atrium after Fontan palliation. Dr. Divakar and myself, I'm going to talk about placement of a pacemaker from a left infravicular approach using a single access site. Dr. Callahan is going to use a dual venous approach and still implant the pacemaker from the left infravicular pocket. We're then also going to have a different way of using the dual venous approach. And then finally, that's going to be by Dr. D. Giovanni. And then the final talk will be the approach from the right infravicular pocket by Dr. Moore. And at the end, we will have a panel discussion for questions and answers so that we can address any burning questions that come up at the end of this webinar. To start off the webinar, it's my pleasure to introduce Dr. Ian Law. He's the director of electrophysiology at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, and he is also the division chair for pediatric cardiology. So I've known Dr. Law for a long time, and actually the patient that I will be presenting, we did this together, but I'll let him set the stage for why there is a need for transvenous pacing in single ventricle patients. Dr. Law.
Video Summary
This video is a webinar on how to implant a permanent transvenous pacemaker system after single ventricle palliation from a right or left infravicular pocket. The speakers include Dr. Law, Dr. Mehta, Dr. Divakar, Dr. Callahan, and Dr. D. Giovanni, who will discuss various approaches to placing a pacemaker using single and dual venous approaches. Dr. Moore will conclude with the approach from the right infravicular pocket. The webinar will end with a panel discussion for questions and answers. Dr. Ian Law from the University of Iowa Children's Hospital introduces the topic and explains the need for transvenous pacing in single ventricle patients.
Asset Subtitle
Abhay A. Divekar, MD, FSCAI
permanent transvenous pacemaker system
single ventricle palliation
infravicular pocket
pacemaker placement