Jay S. Giri, MD, FSCAI Symposium Chair Welcome and Overview PEERLESS 1&2 Economics of Building a Sustainable PERT Program
William Auger, MD Moderator Medical Management of Chronic PE
Vikas Aggarwal, MBBS, FSCAI Moderator |
Steve Pugliese Workup for the Post-PE Syndrome Viewpoint 1: TPA is the Reigning Standard of Care for High-Risk PE
Michael Madani, MD Surgical Treatment of Chronic PE
Mitul P. Patel Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty for Chronic PE
Ada C. Stefanescu Schmidt, MD, MSc, FSCAI CTEPH Meeting “Live” Case
Vladimir Lahkter, DO Catheter Directed Lysis Expandable Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis Hands-on Station (BASHIR)
Saher Sabri Large Bore Thrombectomy My Worst Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis Complication
Tai Kobayashi, MD, FSCAI Moderate Bore Thrombectomy My Worst Large Bore Thrombectomy Complication
Akhilesh Sista, MD PE Tract My Worst Small Bore Thrombectomy Complication
Eric Secemsky, MD, MSc, FSCAI HI PEITHO
Nkechi Ijioma, MBBS, FSCAI Case Presentation
John Moriarty, MD STORM PE
Yulanka Castro, MD, FSCAI Viewpoint 2: VA-ECMO and Catheter-Based Therapies is the NKOTB
William Brent Keeling Viewpoint 3: Surgery is the First and Final Treatment Option for High-Risk PE
Catalin Toma, MD Panel Discussion
Andrew J. Klein My Worst Medically Treated PE Complication Large-Bore Aspiration Thrombectomy Hands-on Station (AlphaVac)
Amir Kaki, MD, FSCAI Large-Bore Aspiration Thrombectomy Hands-on Station (FlowTriever)
Sanjum S. Sethi, MD, MPH, FSCAI Mechanical Thrombectomy Hands-on Station (Penumbra System)
Sahil A. Parikh Ultrasound Assisted Catheter Directed Thrombolysis Hands-on Station (EKOS)
Kenneth Rosenfield. MD, MHCDS, MSCAI Large Bore Aspiration and Mechanical Thrombectomy Hands-on Station (Innova Vascular)
Wissam A. Jaber, MD, FSCAI Panelist |