Quality Improvement Toolkit
Vascular Access, Management, and Closure: Best Practices eBook
CLI / CLTI Workshop Series
Interventional Cardiology Fellows Essentials
How to Implant a Permanent Transvenous Pacing System After Single Ventricle Palliation With a Right or Left Infraclavicular Pocket
SCAI Women in Innovations Career Development Series
Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair eBook
From Interested 3rd Year to New Congenital Cath Attending
Cardio-Obstetrics for the Interventional Cardiologist
SCAI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Management of Patent Foramen Ovale
CHD Research Forum on Multicenter Research
Coding and Reimbursement Basics for the Interventionalist
Implicit Bias: Origins, Impact, and Mitigation
PCI Without On-Site Surgical Backup
Disparities in Peripheral Vascular Care: An Ongoing Dilemma
Update: PCI Without On-Site Surgical Backup
Update: 2023 Advanced Training Statement on Interventional Cardiology
The Brain-Heart Team Approach: Secondary Prevention After a Presumed PFO-Mediated Stroke
Basics of the Cath Lab: Resources for CVPs, Fellows, and the Cath Curious
Expert Consensus on Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure
CHD Research Forum on Device Development
Optimizing Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiogenic Shock
PCI in Calcified Nodular Bifurcation Lesions
Bifurcation Side Branch Stenosis
Contemporary PCI & Calcium Management Strategies, A Case-Based Discussion
Novel Percutaneous Treatment Strategies for Native Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Dysfunction
Bifurcation PCI in AMI Cardiogenic Shock
Intravascular Imaging with Bifurcation PCI
Culotte-Three Ways
Bifurcation In-Stent Restenosis
LM Bifurcation Algorithm and DK Crush
European Bifurcation Club Update and Provisional Stenting
Secondary Prevention for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
Atrial Shunt Therapy for Heart Failure: An Update
SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on the Management of Calcified Coronary Lesions: Journal CME
SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on the Management of Calcified Coronary Lesions
SCAI WIN: The Craft of Leadership in Interventional Cardiology
Advancing the Use of IVUS in Peripheral Arterial and Deep Venous Interventions: A Case-Based Overview
Beyond The Cath Lab: Leadership, Research, and Work Life Balance in Interventional Cardiology
Plaque Characterization in Coronary Artery Disease Using Computed Tomography Angiography
The Role of CTA in Severe Aortic Stenosis
Workshop on Building a Renal Denervation Program
SCAI Bifurcation Club: The Latest in Bifurcations
Workshop on the Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism
Complex Peripheral Vascular Interventions (CPVI)— Controversies and Solutions in SFA and BTK Interventions
IV Anti-Platelet Agents: Beyond the Basics
Opportunities to Improve the Treatment of Severe Aortic Stenosis
Applying the SCAI Expert Consensus Statement: Management of Coronary Calcified Lesions with PCI
Disruptive Technology: Non-Invasive Assessment of Lesion-Specific Physiology
Occupational Health & Safety in the Cath Lab: The Time for Change Is Now
Charting the Course for Tricuspid TEER—Patient Selection, Imaging, and Techniques
Shedding Light on Peripheral Interventions: How to Optimize Outcomes Through Use of Intravascular Imaging
The Future of Coronary Imaging and Physiology
Imaging Guided Calcium Modification
Examining Intracoronary Imaging Cases
Physiology Guided Complex PCI
What Role Does Physiology and Imaging Have in Coronary Interventions? Can You Carry Your Knowledge Into Peripheral Work?
From Coronary to Peripheral The Expanding Role of Intravascular Imaging
Advantages of Imaging and Physiology in Coronary Interventions
Imaging Workshop: Introduction to Intravascular Imaging for Fellows
Imaging: What to Do When Angio Lies
Procedural Planning for Multimodality Cardiac Imaging
The CCTA + FFRCT Pathway: Using New Diagnostic Paradigms to Optimize Procedures
Short-Term Mechanical Circulatory Support for Cardiogenic Shock eBook
The New Normal: The Physician as an Employee
SCAI/MedAxiom Intravascular Imaging Town Hall: Moving the Needle Symposia
SCAI FIRST Florida (Virtual): Intravascular Imaging & Physiology to Guide Clinical Decision-Making in PCI
SCAI FIRST New York (In-Person): Intravascular Imaging & Physiology to Guide Clinical Decision-Making in PCI
SCAI FIRST Chicago: Intravascular Imaging & Physiology to Guide Clinical Decision-Making in PCI
SCAI FIRST Boston (Hybrid): Intravascular Imaging & Physiology to Guide Clinical Decision-Making in PCI
SCAI FIRST Detroit (In-Person): Intravascular Imaging & Physiology to Guide Clinical Decision-Making in PCI
SCAI Bifurcation Club Webinar Series
Webinar 4 | Bifurcation PCI in Cardiogenic Shock and High-Risk PCI
Webinar 5 | Bifurcation Cases From Latin America
Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair eBook Japanese Translation
Pragmatic Approach to Achieving Wellness in Interventional Cardiology
SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on the Management of Patients with STEMI Referred for Primary PCI: Journal CME
AI, Robotics, and Simulation in Bifurcation PCI
CTO Bifurcation PCI
Visible Heart Lab Bifurcation Stenting
Complications: Sharing and Managing Emotions
Tackling Grief and Depression
Complex PCI: Everything is Complex in Shock!
Optimizing Antiplatelet Therapy in Cardiogenic SHOCK
Contemporary Management of PE Patients in SHOCK
European Bifurcation Club 2024 Enduring
Pragmatic Approach to Achieving Wellness in Interventional Cardiology
Best Practices in Cath Lab Management for STEMI Enduring
Clinical Conversation: Prevalence of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and Epicardial Spasm in Patients with Angina and Myocardial Bridge
Left Main Trifurcation PCI
Endovascular Therapy for Acute PE: SCAI/SIR Update on Ongoing and Completed RCTs
Do I Really Need IVUS in My Peripheral Vascular Practice? Prove It.
Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair eBook Simplified Chinese Translation
Important Updates in Congenital Coding
The Latest in Carotid Artery Stenting
Starting an ASC or OBL Business: Get It Right
Navigating Malpractice Litigation With Integrity and Intelligence
Tackling Grief and Depression
Complications: Sharing and Managing Emotions
Chinese Bifurcation Summit (CBS): Left Main Bifurcations
Middle East Bifurcation Club
Equity in Modifying Plaque of Women With Undertreated Calcified Coronary Artery Disease: Design and Rationale of EMPOWER CAD Study
SCAI Expert Consensus Statement on the Management of Patients With STEMI Referred for Primary PCI
CONFIRM-2: Artificial Intelligence Enabled Quantitative CT Assessment of Atherosclerosis and Major Adverse Events: A Multi-Center International Registry
Acute Myocardial Infarction in SCAI Stage E Shock Patients Treated with Impella and PCI: Insights from the RECOVER III
Targeting Lipids to Improve Outcomes in Your Cath Patients
Endovascular Therapy for Acute PE: SCAI/SIR Update on Ongoing and Completed RCTs